
Geriatrics & Gerontology International(GGI) 優秀論文賞



第15回 Geriatrics & Gerontology International 優秀論文賞

Geriatrics & Gerontology International (Vol.23) に掲載された論文の中から、下記の3編が第15回優秀論文賞に決定しました。

Taichi Demura, et al. (Kanazawa Medical University)
Sarcopenia and decline in appendicular skeletal muscle mass are associated with hypoperfusion in key hubs of central autonomic network on 3DSRT in older adults with progression of normal cognition to Alzheimer's disease
Vol. 23 (1), 16-24

Yoshinori Fujiwara, et al. (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology)
The relationship between working status in old age and cause-specific disability in Japanese community-dwelling older adults with or without frailty: A 3.6-year prospective study
Vol. 23 (11), 855-863

Shoya Matsumoto, et al. (The University of Tokyo)
Association between the type of hypnotic drug and in-hospital fractures in older patients with neurocognitive disorders: A case–control study using a nationwide database
Vol. 23 (7), 500-505

左から 藤原先生、出村先生、松本先生、森本GGI編集委員長



Taichi Demura, et al.(Kanazawa Medical University)
Sarcopenia and decline in appendicular skeletal muscle mass are associated with hypoperfusion in key hubs of central autonomic network on 3DSRT in older adults with progression of normal cognition to Alzheimer's disease
Yoshinori Fujiwara, et al.(Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology)
The relationship between working status in old age and cause-specific disability in Japanese community-dwelling older adults with or without frailty: A 3.6-year prospective study
Shoya Matsumoto, et al.(The University of Tokyo)
Association between the type of hypnotic drug and in-hospital fractures in older patients with neurocognitive disorders: A case–control study using a nationwide database


Toshiaki Sekiguchi, et al.(Morinomiya University of Medical Sciences)
Association between protein intake and changes in renal function among Japanese community-dwelling older people: The SONIC study
Hiroshi Akasaka, et al.(Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)
Effects of ipragliflozin on left ventricular diastolic function in patients with type 2 diabetes and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: The EXCEED randomized controlled multicenter study
Tomoki Tanaka, et al.(Institute of Gerontology, The University of Tokyo)
Impact of social engagement on the development of sarcopenia among community-dwelling older adults: A Kashiwa cohort study


Masashige Saito, et al.(Nihon Fukushi University)
Cross-national comparison of social isolation and mortality among older adults: A 10-year follow-up study in Japan and England
Aya Seike, et al.(National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology)
Efficacy of group-based multi-component psycho-education for caregivers of people with dementia: A randomized controlled study
Yasuharu Tabara, et al.(Shizuoka Graduate University of Public Health)
Body mass index, functional disability and all-cause mortality in 330000 older adults: The Shizuoka study


Takuya Omura, et al.(Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital)
Assessing the association between optimal energy intake and all-cause mortality in older patients with diabetes mellitus using the Japanese Elderly Diabetes Intervention Trial
Ikuto Otsuki, et al.(Otaru General Hospital)
Individualized nutritional treatment for acute stroke patients with malnutrition risk improves functional independence measurement: a randomized controlled trial
Tatsuro Ishizaki, et al.(Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology)
Drug prescription patterns and factors associated with polypharmacy in over one million older adults in Tokyo
Ayako Edahiro, et al.(Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology)
Incidence and distribution of subtypes of early-onset dementia in Japan: a nationwide analysis based on annual performance reports of the Medical Centers for Dementia


Giulia Manfredi(University of Turin)and Luís Midão(University of Porto), et al.
Prevalence of frailty status among European elderly population: findings from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe(SHARE)
Satomi Maeda, et al.(Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)
Serum albumin/globulin ratio is associated with cognitive function in community-dwelling elderly people: The SONIC study
Yu Taniguchi, et al.(Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology)
Association of Trajectories of Cognitive Function with Cause-Specific Mortality and Medical and Long-Term Care Costs


Tomoki Tanaka, et al.(The University of Tokyo)
"Yubi‐wakka"(finger‐ring)test: A practical self‐screening method for sarcopenia, and a predictor of disability and mortality among Japanese community‐dwelling older adults
Yutaka Watanabe, et al.(Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology)
Oral function as an indexing parameter for mild cognitive impairment in older adults
Kenji Toyoshima, et al.(Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital)
Development of the Dementia Assessment Sheet for Community-based Integrated Care System 8-items, a short version of the Dementia Assessment Sheet for Community-based Integrated Care System 21-items, for the assessment of cognitive and daily functions


Hyuma Makizako, et al.(National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology)
Effects of a community disability prevention program for frail older adults at 48-month follow up
Satoshi Seino, et al.(Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology)
Effects of a multifactorial intervention comprising resistance exercise, nutritional, and psychosocial programs on frailty and functional health in community-dwelling older adults: A randomized, controlled, cross-over trial
Woorim Kim, et al.(Yonsei University, South Korea)
Depressive symptoms in spouse caregivers of dementia patients: A longitudinal study in South Korea


Yoshihiro Maekawa, et al.(Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment is a useful predictive tool for postoperative delirium after gastrointestinal surgery in old-old adults
Shosuke Satake, et al.(National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology)
Validity of the Kihon Checklist for assessing frailty status
Maiko Yagi, et al.(St Marianna University School of Medicine)
Effect of early rehabilitation on activities of daily living in patients with aspiration pneumonia


Masaharu Murakami, et al.(Tokyo Dental College)
Relationship between chewing ability and sarcopenia in Japanese community-dwelling older adults
Päivi Tikkanen, et al.(City of Kuopio, Finland)
Effects of comprehensive geriatric assessment-based individually targeted interventions on mobility of pre-frail and frail community-dwelling older people
Takehiko Doi, et al.(National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology)
Cognitive function and falling among older adults with mild cognitive impairment and slow gait


Kenji Toba, et al.(National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology)
Intensive rehabilitation for dementia improved cognitive function and reduced behavioral disturbance in geriatric health service facilities in Japan
Itsuko Kitamura, et al.(Aichi Gakuin University)
Six-year longitudinal changes in body composition of middle-aged and elderly Japanese: Age and sex differences in appendicular skeletal muscle mass
Toru Akune, et al.(University of Tokyo)
Incidence of certified need of care in the long-term care insurance system and its risk factors in the elderly of Japanese population-based cohorts: The ROAD study


Minoru Takemoto, et al.(Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine)
Diagnostic criteria for Werner syndrome based on Japanese nationwide epidemiological survey
Yumi Kimura, et al.(Kyoto University)
Evaluation of chewing ability and its relationship with activities of daily living, depression, cognitive status and food intake in the community-dwelling elderly
Yoshimi Tanimoto, et al.(Osaka Medical College)
Association of sarcopenia with functional decline in community-dwelling elderly subjects in Japan


Taro Kojima, et al.(University of Tokyo)
Polypharmacy as a risk for fall occurrence in geriatric outpatients
Masafumi Kuzuya, et al.(Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine)
Day-care service use is a risk factor for long-term care placement in community-dwelling dependent elderly
Minoru Yamada, et al.(Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine)
Complex obstacle negotiation exercise can prevent falls in community-dwelling elderly Japanese aged 75 years and older


Wataru Doyo, et al.(National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology)
Spatiotemporal components of the 3-D gait analysis of community-dwelling middle-aged and elderly Japanese: Age- and sex-related differences
Toshio Ogihara, et al.(Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)
Practitioner's Trial on the Efficacy of Antihypertensive Treatment in Elderly Patients with Hypertension II (PATE-Hypertension II study) in Japan
Hunkyung Kim, et al.(Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology)
Effects of exercise treatment with or without heat and steam generating sheet on urine loss in community-dwelling Japanese elderly women with urinary incontinence


Okada Kiwako, et al.(Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine)
Association between masticatory performance and anthropometric measurements and nutritional status in the elderly
Kido Tomoko, et al.(Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine)
Associations between short one-leg standing time and speed of sound of calcaneal bone in a general population: The Shimanami Health Promoting Program(J-SHIPP)study
Ochi Masayuki, et al.(Ehime Graduate School of Medicine)
Quadriceps sarcopenia and visceral obesity are risk factors for postural instability in the middle-aged to elderly population


Hiroyuki Shimada, et al.(Research Team for Promoting Independence of the Elderly)
Effects of a robotic walking exercise on walking performance in community-dwelling elderly adults
Kakuhiro Fukai, et al.(Fukai Institute of Health Science)
Associations between functional tooth number and physical complaints of community-residing adults in a 15-year cohort study
Shiho Fukai, et al.(University of Tokyo)
Association of plasma sex hormone levels with functional decline in elderly men and women